The earning potential in Saudi Arabia is massive, however, western culture have serious concerns about the Middle East. Corina Goetz helps both professionals and companies to break down misconceptions about Saudi and to triple their income.

So let’s imagine, you’ve just been offered your dream project, with triple the money, tons of great benefits and way more sunshine BUT… the project is in Saudi Arabia.

Your friends and family don’t think it is a good idea, you even have your own doubts. You’ve heard horrible things about the culture and are concerned that you may not be perceived well. This is a brand new adventure and if we were to be quite honest, you’re a little bit scared.

This is how many of my clients felt before they learnt about the culture and realised how great an opportunity Saudi Arabia is. Many of them have gone on to double, triple and even quadruple their income, build families and become integral parts of the Saudi community.


In this online course, you will learn all about Middle Eastern culture, overcome your fears and beliefs about Saudi Arabia and most importantly, you can finally take that dream opportunity confidently and triple your salary.

* Understand the Do’s and Don’ts of Saudi culture so that you can make a perfect first impression.

* Understand how can live and interact with Saudis and make lifelong friends

* Understand what the country wants to achieve and how you can make a positive impact.

* Understand business practices so you can get it right the first time.

* Understand how to dress culturally appropriate so you will get accepted straight away.

We are here to give you all this fast, at your own pace - so you can make an informed choice and double or even triple your income.

What is included in:

Become successful in Saudi FAST

  • This is what everyone in Saudi is talking about. What is this all about and why is it so important for country. This is also a great conversation topic.

  • Relationships can make or break your business in the Middle East. Learn the shortcuts how to create relationships fast and keep then alive over a long period even if something like Covid strikes.

  • What do I need to know about traditions and culture? Are there any do’s and donts? This module gives you all the answers before you travel there.

  • What is Saudi really like?

    We all know the perception in the media – but what is it really like?

  • Is this used in Saudi and if yes what is the most popular?

    How do I interact on social media and can I use it in business?

Saudi is referred to as The rising Giant.

What does that mean? It means there are so many great opportunities. In not just one sector but in many industries.

Foreign Investment is exploding - more companies are finding projects in Saudi.

Yes, Yes, Yes - but what does this mean for ME?

The possibilities are endless, there is so much opportunity whether you take a chance or you don’t. This train will keep moving.

Don’t miss it.

My love for the Middle East started when I moved to London.

SPOILER ALERT: There wasn’t much information around and everything I needed to know I had to learn by asking. Many questions.

So I thought there must be more people like me, confused about the culture, the who is who, the dos and don’ts so I created Star-CaT. As Westerner, I had no idea about culture in Saudi and what was acceptable. Yes, I had heard all the usual myths but I didn’t know what it looked like in real life.

Saudi was a very different country back then and I wish I had someone who guided me and told me all the things I needed to know. So now don’t want you to spend 12 years or more until you take this step. I want this for you now.

Let’s remember why you’re doing this… So you can create the career and income you deserve whilst enjoying the sunshine.

Save yourself 12 years by taking my course today!

I am Corina Goetz, Founder of Star-CaT.

  • Tim Daum, Veltracon Lifestyle AG

    I wanted to expand my business to the Middle East and open a branch in Dubai.

    In order to better understand the GCC market, their people and the culture, I booked Corina’s online training course. She gave me great insights and I gained knowledge about each specific country, their current political and economical status as well as their vision, the ruling families as well as the Arabic (Gulf) culture.

    In the meantime, we opened our new office in Dubai and business is going really well.

    The course was extremely helpful and I highly recommend Corina’s services for everyone dealing with Arabic clients or intending to do so.

  • Elena Calvetti, Owner of Luxury Brand Elena Milano

    Corina taught me so much about Saudi Arabia but most of all that business is not just business.

    You need to take the time to understand the culture and only then can you do business successfully.

    It seems so simple, yet, it is the most important ingredient. Saudi is certainly very different to the Western world.

    Without relationships in the Middle East you are nothing and business is impossible. Star-CaT understands this and teaches you all this from a Western perspective.

If after 20 days you’d rather stay in the rainy UK…
I will give you your money back - no questions asked!

Sign up today and get:

Online course with 5 modules valued at £1997

Course notebook valued at £997

All the dates you need for Saudi, valued at £19

That’s over £3,000’s worth of content when you…

If you've followed everything that I teach in the course and you still don't feel like you got your money's worth (bonuses included)... drop me an email and I'll give you a 100% refund.

Is this course suitable for an employee or just for someone with a project?

This course is appropriate for anyone who has an active interest in Saudi Arabia.

It teaches you how to do business in Saudi in keeping with the culture and traditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take to do this course?

This course will take approximately one hour to complete. You can split this into smaller section and do it over a few days or you can complete it all in one go.

Can I take the course only in the UK?

No this course can be taken anywhere in the world at any time convenient.

When will I start to see results?

This is dependent on many different aspects, including what project you are working on. What we can guarantee however is that you will feel much more confident straight away.

Some of the things we recommend take time and consistent interest.

How long will I get access to the training?

We will offer you access for 60 days after the purchase.

The handbook is free to download and covers the most important topics and is yours to keep forever.

What happens after my purchase?

You will get access to the training straight away and you can take it at your own pace.