As a speaker Corina decodes the Gulf region quickly
Cultural awareness, hospitality and service are directly interlinked in Corina Goetz’s eyes. Yet, as the keynote speaker, luxury hospitality professional, and educator knows from her experience, lack of knowledge can hinder excellence. It’s almost impossible to generate innovative ideas, collaborate, and deliver outstanding service if you feel out of place.
Originally from East Germany, she grew up not knowing anyone from the Arab world to mix with Gulf leaders and becoming their go to person. Not until much later did she realise how little information there was to help the Western World decode the Gulf better.
Corina teaches audiences how to overcome stereotypes and create better relationships in the Gulf. You are not defined by the culture you grew up in, and this is also part of Corina’s own story. However, most significant to Corina was, when female leaders shared what they had heard about going to the Gulf as a female.
A female CEO had shared with her that she had been offered a project in the Gulf but had heard, that she needed her husband as a chaperone for her to travel there. This, of course, was just this – hearsay and not true, Corina explained but it also made her realise that so much more had to be done in education for this region.
After years of looking after Gulf leaders, she then began speaking about the region at events but also training companies and their employees about the Gulf. By showing examples, giving useful tips on etiquette and sharing her travel experiences there, many became more curious and open-minded about a massively thriving region.